We’ve been very busy
Sorry for the long period without updates, but we’ve been really busy lately. So here are the latest news.
Crowd funding
We successfully started a crowd funding campaign at Sciencestarter. Although the event will be free, we recognized that many people would really like to give a small amount to support Science Hack Day Berlin to make it an even greater event. So now you can easily show your support by funding us at http://www.sciencestarter.de/science-hack-day-berlin.
We finally put up the agenda for weekend for you.
Friday, 15.11.2013: Pre-Hack
18:00 Registration
19:00 Opening
19:30 (En-)Lightening Talks
20:00 Break (Signup for Pitches)
20:15 Pitches (3 minutes each)
23:00 End of Pre-Hack
Saturday, 16.11.2013: The Hack
09:00 Doors open
09:00 – 11:00 Breakfast
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
18:00 – 19:00 Dinner
19:00 – … Open all night!
Sunday, 17.11.2013
10:00 – 13:00 Brunch
14:00 End of The Hack
15:30 Hack presentations
17:00 Break
17:30 Award presentation
19:30 Closing
We are really excited about the great response to the start of our registration. We already got a good mix of scientists, designers, programmers and freestylers so you can be sure to find someone to work on your idea. Although registration has come to an end, you might be lucky by putting yourself on the waiting list. As there are still three weeks to go, plans for some registrants might change.
Way forward
We still try hard to get as many partners as possible for the event. We already got a lot of support from Betahaus, Technologiestiftung Berlin, labfolder, EHSM and maketechX supporting us with money, tools and material. However, we heavily try to get even more support to make the first Science Hack Day Berlin even better. So if you want to give a litte, head over to Sciencestart and support us with a small funding.
We also streamlined some internals for the hot phase starting just now. This should also help us to keep you better informed about latest developments in Berlin as well as Science Hack Day in general.