re:publica | Science Labs

Also, we’re really excited to support our friends at re:publica (big Berlin conference for social media, digital culture, open everything, and all-round awesomeness) who this year will be hosting a special ‘youth’ science hack day, 3-4th May, for all you 18-28 year-old young uns. The idea is basically the same — developers, designers, scientists and hackers get together and make cool stuff, with science! — and some of your faithful Science Hack Day Berlin organisers (Ramin, Michael, Claudine & Lucy) will be there to help out 🙂
We will also give a talk at the Science Labs (may 7-8), a sub-conference of the Re:publica on Open Science!

Entry is free, but you have to register by 24 April!
Get more infos on the re:publica website.