Lovely lovely data
Inspirational Data: some open data you can use
Hi all,
As the Berlin Science Hack Day 2014 is coming closer and closer, we get everyday more excited..
You too? Do you already have some cool ideas you want to put on the table to work on with other scientists, developers, and enthusiasts?
We have been collecting some interesting data sets/databases, open, free and fun that you could use for your project at the science hack day and after. Here you can find a little taste of them.
For social-hacks :
- National Longitudinal Surveys | A Program of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
- The Gapminder | by Hans, Ola and Anna Rosling
- Panel Study of Income Dynamics
- National Center for Education Statistics
these surveys look at individuals (mostly based in the United States) over time, monitoring their schooling, fertility, health, education and much more.
For a food-hacks:
- Open Food Facts is working on a open, free and reusable platform on food. Here they store information and data (ingredients, nutrition facts etc.) on food products from all around the world.
For weather-hacks:
- NOAA , National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United State Department of Commerce aim is to “enrich life through science” and on their website you can find lots interesting data motoring the climate and the oceans life.
- On the helioviewer funded by ESA and NASA, you can find impressive visualizations of solar and heliospheric data. The project is funded by ESA and NASA.
For all other hacks:
- Harvard Dataverse Network is an open data collector for scientific data over different disciplines, including what they claim is the largest collection of social science data of the world!
- OpenScienceDataCloud, EarthExplorer , Data.Nasa and naturally the Science Hack Day wiki are some of the other many websites that collect open data ranging from machine learning to geological and astronomical changes that it’s worth having a look at if you want to get inspired!
Do you already have some great ideas on how to use all these numbers and do something awesome out it? Are there other data-engines and sources that we shouldn’t miss, or your own data that you would like share? Then please start using our the Science Hack Day – etherpad , to share your ideas, data and all you might need to prepare for the 24-26th of October!
We are looking forward to a Science Hack Day immersed in open science data!
We have set up an etherpad for data sets, add what you have, what excites you!
The science hack day team with a special thanks to Celya Gruson-Daniel and Martin Ballaschk.