Code of Conduct
Be open. Share. Learn. Teach. Love. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.
Be excellent to each other
The aim of Science Hack Day Berlin is to open science up to a big and diverse family of science hackers. To achieve this it is essential that our community is a safe and welcoming space for everyone. We are signed up to the ***Berlin Code of Conduct*** and ask that everyone respect these guidelines for behaviour. Please report any unacceptable behaviour to Lucy Patterson (@lu_cyP), Joram Schwartzmann (@sciencejoram), or Giulia Paparo (@giu_pap). Thank you!
Group dynamics can be special, particularly in a hackathon where things can sometimes get a little intense. However, in Science Hack Day it’s really not the winning, but the taking part that counts. We are all winners anyway 🙌. If things are getting stressy in your team, take a break, have a snack, talk to us (the organisers) and we can figure something out. This event should be fun for everyone.
Stay safe
We want to provide a safe environment for everyone. This requires taking some precautions regarding health and safety during the event.
Your project might require dangerous tools or chemicals to work out. Before you do anything that could potentially harm you or others, come and talk to one of the organisers. This includes, but is not limited to,
- Lasers (anything above class 1, like the laser diode out of a DVD drive)
- Fast moving, heavy tools (angle grinders, electric saws…)
- Chemicals (bases or acids, bleach, solvents, alcoholic compounds…)
- Loud or explosive devices (sirens, fireworks…)
- Any other kind of explosive or flammable material.
Before you attempt to do anything that could pose a risk to you or others, talk to the organisers. They will not stop you from completing your project. You might just have to take certain precautions to reduce risk of harm for everyone around you. In general, we aim to allow as much as possible as long as we talked about it before.
If we find you using any dangerous tool or material without having talked to us first, we will have to take consequences that can lead up to the exclusion from the event in extreme (but so far very rare) cases.
Be smart, be safe.