Science Hack Day Berlin 2016. Yes. It’s really happening.

Hello out there!

The giant astral body that is Science Hack Day Berlin is heading back in range of our scopes. Believe it! This cosmic wonder is throbbing through the heavens and will touchdown at FabLab Berlin for another glorious weekend, 23-25th September, embracing everyone in a great big splendid mate-fueled science hug. We’re getting ourselves organised, stocking up on hardware, post-it notes, and biscuits, and gathering together some amazing people to share their skills and inspiration with you.


We’re looking for scientists, designers, developers, artists, engineers, and people who just really love to science, to join us for one complete and intense weekend of hacking and building things together. What things? Take a look through the results of our past events to get an impression of what’s possible (but don’t stop there – we want you to suprise us!). You can find the schedule for the weekend here.

If you’ve never done something like this before, don’t worry – this is the event for you. We’ll help you get started, find a team, and share what you have to share. You just bring your beautiful brain, your skills, expertise, and experience, and your creativity. Oh and any cool stuff you want to hack with. You can even come to our pre-event – a special edition of our regular Berlin Science Hacking Stammtisch, Wednesday 7th September, 7PM – to meet us in person and ask all your questions.

And… thanks to our generous sponsors (more about them later) IT’S FREE!

Registration will open Thursday 8th September at 6PM at Don’t be late! Last year we filled up in about 3 hours. However, if you miss out, definitely add yourself to the waiting list – people do drop out and you could still get a spot.
